Brief History of Djibouti

Djibouti, a small nation located in the Horn of Africa, has a rich and diverse history that stretches back thousands of years. The region has been inhabited since prehistoric times, with evidence of early human settlements dating as far back as the 25th century BCE. Throughout its history, Djibouti has been influenced by various civilizations and cultures, including the ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, and Greeks, due to its strategic location along important trade routes.

In the medieval era, Djibouti came under the sway of various Arab and Somali sultanates, becoming an essential hub for maritime trade in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. By the 19th century, European colonial powers took an interest in the region. The French established a presence in the late 19th century and eventually declared Djibouti a colony in 1896. Djibouti became part of French Somaliland, serving as a crucial link for French trade and military interests in the region.

During the mid-20th century, Djibouti’s quest for independence gained momentum, and in 1977, the country finally broke away from French rule and declared its independence. Hassan Gouled Aptidon became the first President of the newly formed Republic of Djibouti. The early years of independence were marked by political challenges, but the nation gradually stabilized, and its strategic location continued to make it an important international port and military base.

Over the years, Djibouti has navigated political and economic changes, and its geopolitical significance has only grown stronger. Its ports have become essential gateways for trade between Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, making it a vital player in the global shipping industry. Additionally, Djibouti hosts various foreign military bases, further emphasizing its strategic importance.

In recent times, Djibouti has focused on infrastructure development, attracting foreign investment, and fostering regional cooperation. However, like many nations, it faces ongoing challenges, including poverty, ethnic diversity, and environmental issues.

Today, Djibouti remains a key player in regional affairs, offering its strategic assets and services to the international community while striving to secure prosperity and stability for its citizens. Its history is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of its people, who continue to shape the nation’s future in a dynamic and ever-changing world.

About Djibouti

Country Code: +253.

Crime: As the nation continues to develop, Djibouti faces numerous challenges, including crime. Criminal activity in the country includes theft, drug trafficking, and piracy, with the latter being particularly pronounced due to its proximity to the Gulf of Aden.

The government, collaborating with international partners, has made substantial efforts to combat these criminal enterprises, focusing on enhancing law enforcement measures and improving border security. While progress has been made, ongoing efforts are necessary to ensure the safety and prosperity of Djibouti’s citizens and maintain its status as a strategic regional hub.

Djibouti is known as a waypoint for Heroin smuggling. The U.S. State Department rates Djibouti as Level 2, Exercise Increased Caution.

Currency: Djibouti Franc (DJF).

Electricity: Type C (2-pin round), Type E (2-pin round with male ground socket).

Language: The official languages are Arabic and French. The local languages spoken are Afar and Somali. 

Latitude and Longitude: 11.8251°N, 42.5903°E.
Population: 1.106 million.

National Parks

Djibouti has one designated national park, which is the Day Forest National Park (Parc National du Day). It is the country’s only official national park and an important conservation area.

Day Forest National Park: Located about 35 kilometers northeast of Djibouti City, Day Forest National Park covers an area of approximately 12,000 hectares. The park’s landscape is characterized by a mix of dry forests, woodland, and volcanic formations, making it a unique and biodiverse habitat.

The park is named after the Day Mountain, an extinct volcano that rises to an elevation of around 1,600 meters, providing stunning views of the surrounding area. Despite its arid surroundings, Day Forest National Park is home to a variety of wildlife species, including gazelles, dik-diks, baboons, and numerous bird species.

The Day Forest area is vital for Djibouti’s biodiversity conservation efforts, as it supports various plant and animal species, some of which are endemic or endangered. Djibouti’s government, with the help of international organizations and partners, has been working to protect and preserve this unique ecosystem.

It’s worth noting that Djibouti is a relatively small country with a challenging environment, characterized by arid and semi-desert landscapes. As a result, the country faces several conservation challenges, including habitat degradation, overgrazing, and the impact of climate change.

Top Tourist Attractions

Djibouti is a small yet captivating country located in the Horn of Africa, which offers an array of mesmerizing tourist attractions that charm visitors from all around the world. With its diverse landscape, ranging from rugged mountains to pristine beaches, Djibouti presents a stunning fusion of natural beauty and ancient history.
The country’s welcoming culture and rich heritage further elevate its appeal to travelers seeking unique experiences.
Lake Assal: Lake Assal, located in Djibouti, stands out as one of the most unique bodies of water in the world, due to its intriguing geological and ecological characteristics. Boasting a rich history and stunning beauty, this intriguing natural wonder piques the curiosity of many. 
The lake’s remarkable salinity levels make it an essential resource for the local economy, as well as a hotbed for scientific research. With its striking landscape and distinctive ecosystem, Lake Assal offers visitors an unforgettable experience whilst contributing to a deeper understanding of our planet’s diverse aquatic environments.
Djibouti City: Djibouti City, the capital and largest city of the country of Djibouti, serves as a major hub for trade and shipping in the Horn of Africa. Its strategic location near the entrance of the Red Sea grants it a vital role in global maritime networks. 
The city has experienced rapid growth and urbanization in recent years, leading to a diverse mix of cultures and vibrant economic opportunities. As a result, Djibouti City has become an attractive destination for both business and tourism, offering unique experiences for visitors from around the world.
Dorale and Khor Ambado Beaches: Dorale and Khor Ambado are two exquisite beaches located in Djibouti. These coastal gems offer visitors an unparalleled experience with diverse landscapes and engaging activities for both locals and tourists alike.
The crystal-clear waters and soft golden sands of Dorale and Khor Ambado create an idyllic atmosphere for a rejuvenating retreat or an adventurous excursion. Additionally, the rich cultural heritage and unspoiled natural beauty that encompass these stunning shorelines make for a memorable travel destination for those seeking a truly unique and enchanting escape.


Djibouti experiences a hot and arid climate, typical of the Horn of Africa region. The weather is characterized by high temperatures, low humidity, and limited rainfall throughout most of the year.

The country’s location near the equator also contributes to its consistently warm weather. There are two primary seasons in Djibouti.

Dry Season (December to April): This is the cooler period in Djibouti, with average daytime temperatures ranging from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F) in coastal areas. Inland regions may experience slightly higher temperatures. The nights can be cooler, with temperatures dropping to around 15°C to 20°C (59°F to 68°F).

Rainfall is extremely scarce during the dry season, and the skies are generally clear, with little to no cloud cover.

Hot Season (May to September): The hot season is the most challenging time to visit Djibouti, as temperatures soar to their highest levels. Daytime temperatures often exceed 40°C (104°F) in the coastal areas, and inland regions can be even hotter.

The nights are also warm, with temperatures remaining above 25°C (77°F). The humidity is low during this season, which can make the heat feel even more intense.

Djibouti experiences a brief transition period between the dry and hot seasons, known as the “Grimsal” or “Hagaa” season, which usually occurs in October and November. During this time, temperatures gradually rise, and the humidity increases slightly.

It is still a relatively dry period, with only occasional and light showers. The country’s climate is heavily influenced by its proximity to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Sea breezes can provide some relief from the scorching heat, especially along the coast.

Djibouti’s arid climate and limited water resources pose significant challenges for agriculture and water supply. The majority of the country’s population relies on subsistence farming and pastoralism, and droughts can have severe impacts on food security and livelihoods.

It’s essential for travelers to be prepared for the extreme heat and sun exposure when visiting Djibouti, especially during the hot season. Staying hydrated and avoiding direct sunlight during the hottest parts of the day are crucial to prevent heat-related illnesses.