About Jordan

Country Code: +962.

Crime: Jordan is generally considered a safe country for travelers and residents. It has a relatively low crime rate compared to many other countries in the region.

Jordan’s government places a strong emphasis on maintaining security and ensuring public safety.

Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and bag snatching, can occur in crowded tourist areas, markets, and public transportation hubs, particularly in cities like Amman and Petra. Tourists are advised to remain vigilant and take common-sense precautions to protect their belongings.

Violent crime is relatively rare in Jordan. The country has a generally low incidence of homicides and other violent offenses compared to global averages. Visitors can feel safe walking in most areas, especially during the day.

Jordan has a strong security apparatus and has been actively engaged in counterterrorism efforts. While the risk of terrorism exists in any country, the Jordanian government has been successful in preventing major terrorist incidents on its soil.

Jordan has experienced protests and civil unrest in the past, particularly during periods of economic challenges or regional instability. However, these events have generally been localized and non-violent. Tourists are advised to stay informed about current events and avoid any areas with ongoing demonstrations.

Jordan is considered a stable country in a region with various geopolitical challenges. The government has a vested interest in maintaining stability and ensuring the safety of its citizens and visitors.

Jordan’s law enforcement agencies are generally responsive to maintaining public safety and addressing crime. They are often seen patrolling tourist areas to ensure a safe environment for visitors.

Currency: Dinar.

Electricity: Type C (2-pin round), Type D (3-pin round, fat), Type F (2-pin round, Schuko), Type G (3-pin flat, triangular pattern), Type J.

Language: Arabic.

Latitude and Longitude: 30.5852° N, 36.2384° E.

Population: 11.15 million (2021).

King: Abdullah II.

National Parks

Jordan is home to several stunning national parks that showcase the country’s diverse landscapes, rich history, and unique natural features. These national parks are protected areas that offer visitors opportunities for outdoor recreation, wildlife observation, and exploration of ancient archaeological sites.

Petra Archaeological Park

Petra is undoubtedly Jordan’s most famous and iconic attraction. It was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 and later as a national park.

Petra is an ancient city carved into the rose-red cliffs by the Nabataeans over 2,000 years ago. The most famous structure is the Treasury (Al-Khazneh), but the site also includes numerous tombs, temples, and ancient dwellings.

Visitors can explore the site on foot through the narrow Siq (canyon) and marvel at the incredible craftsmanship and architectural marvels.

Wadi Rum Protected Area

Also known as the Valley of the Moon, Wadi Rum is a vast desert wilderness in southern Jordan. This extraordinary desert landscape features dramatic sandstone mountains, narrow canyons, ancient petroglyphs, and stunning sand dunes.

Wadi Rum’s unique appearance and stark beauty have made it a popular location for movies and a favorite among adventure seekers for hiking, rock climbing, and desert camping.

Dana Biosphere Reserve

The Dana Biosphere Reserve is Jordan’s largest nature reserve, covering a diverse range of ecosystems, including mountains, valleys, and sand dunes. It is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, some of which are endangered or unique to the region.

Visitors can explore numerous hiking trails that take them through breathtaking landscapes and encounter local Bedouin communities along the way.

Azraq Wetland Reserve

Situated in the eastern desert of Jordan, Azraq Wetland Reserve is an essential oasis and one of the country’s most critical wetland areas. It provides a vital resting spot for migratory birds and supports various plant and animal species.

The reserve features several natural and artificial pools that attract wildlife, making it a popular spot for birdwatching and nature enthusiasts.

Mujib Nature Reserve

Located along the eastern shore of the Dead Sea, the Mujib Nature Reserve is known for its dramatic canyons and gorges carved by the Mujib River. It offers adventurous travelers the chance to go canyoning and hiking through the breathtaking Siq trail, providing an exhilarating and refreshing experience, especially during the hot Jordanian summers.

Shobak Castle

Although not a national park, Shobak Castle is a historical site worthy of mention. Also known as Montreal, this Crusader-era castle is perched on a hilltop in southern Jordan.

It offers spectacular panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes and provides an insight into the region’s history and architectural heritage.

Top Tourist Attractions

Jordan is a country with a rich history, stunning landscapes, and a wealth of cultural heritage. It offers a variety of top-notch tourist attractions that cater to history buffs, adventure seekers, nature lovers, and those seeking a unique travel experience.


As mentioned earlier, Petra is Jordan’s most famous and iconic attraction. This ancient city carved into the rose-red cliffs by the Nabataeans is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

The Treasury (Al-Khazneh) is the most recognizable structure, but the entire archaeological site is filled with tombs, temples, and ancient dwellings that showcase the brilliance of the Nabataean civilization.

Wadi Rum

Also known as the Valley of the Moon, Wadi Rum is a stunning desert wilderness in southern Jordan. Its vast landscape of sandstone mountains, narrow canyons, and sandy valleys creates an otherworldly ambiance.

Visitors can take jeep tours, go rock climbing, camp under the stars, and experience the unique Bedouin culture.

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea, bordering Jordan to the west, is one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. The high salt content makes it impossible for most aquatic life to survive, hence the name “Dead” Sea.

But it’s not all doom and gloom – the high mineral concentration in the water and mud is believed to have therapeutic properties. Tourists often enjoy floating effortlessly in the Dead Sea due to its extreme buoyancy and indulging in spa treatments using its mud.


Jerash is one of the best-preserved ancient Roman cities in the world, and it’s often referred to as the “Pompeii of the East.” The archaeological site features an impressive collection of ruins, including theaters, temples, arches, and colonnaded streets.

The well-preserved state of the site offers visitors a unique glimpse into the life of the ancient Romans.

Amman Citadel and Roman Theatre

Located in the heart of Amman, the capital city of Jordan, the Amman Citadel is an ancient historical site with evidence of occupation dating back to the Bronze Age. It offers panoramic views of Amman and features the Temple of Hercules and the Umayyad Palace.

Nearby, the Roman Theatre is a well-preserved amphitheater that once seated around 6,000 spectators and is still used for cultural events and performances.


Aqaba is Jordan’s only coastal city, nestled on the Red Sea’s shores. It is a popular destination for diving and snorkeling, thanks to its vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life.

Beyond water sports, Aqaba offers relaxation at beach resorts and the opportunity to explore ancient sites like Ayla – one of the world’s oldest Islamic cities.


Known as the “City of Mosaics,” Madaba is famous for its ancient Byzantine and Umayyad mosaics. The highlight is the Madaba Map, a sixth-century mosaic map of the Holy Land located in St. George’s Church.

The city is also a gateway to Mount Nebo, where it is believed that Moses saw the Promised Land before he passed away.

Ajloun Castle

Perched atop a hill in the Ajloun Forest Reserve, Ajloun Castle is a medieval fortress built by Saladin’s nephew in the 12th century. The castle offers commanding views of the surrounding countryside and was strategically positioned to control the trade routes between Jordan and Syria.


Jordan’s climate varies significantly across the country due to its diverse geography, which includes deserts, mountains, and coastal areas. Generally, Jordan experiences a Mediterranean climate in the northern and western regions, while the eastern and southern parts have a desert climate. The weather in Jordan can be characterized by hot summers, mild winters, and relatively limited rainfall.

Spring (March to May)

Spring is one of the best times to visit Jordan as the weather is generally pleasant and mild. In the northern and central parts, including cities like Amman and Petra, temperatures start to warm up during March, with average highs ranging from 18°C to 24°C (64°F to 75°F) and cooler nights. April and May bring more comfortable temperatures, with average highs ranging from 23°C to 28°C (73°F to 82°F). Spring is also when you’ll find colorful wildflowers blooming in some areas.

Summer (June to August)

Summer in Jordan can be scorching, especially in the desert regions like Wadi Rum and the Jordan Valley. The temperature often exceeds 35°C (95°F) in the day, and in some places, it can go well over 40°C (104°F). The nights are relatively cooler but can still be warm. If you plan to visit during this time, make sure to stay hydrated, wear appropriate clothing, and plan your outdoor activities for early mornings or evenings.

Autumn (September to November)

Autumn is another pleasant time to visit Jordan. The summer heat starts to subside, and temperatures become more comfortable. September can still be warm, especially in the southern regions, but as October and November arrive, temperatures begin to drop. Average highs in October range from 24°C to 29°C (75°F to 84°F) and cool down further in November.

Winter (December to February)

Winter in Jordan is mild in most areas, with occasional rainfall and even some snowfall in higher elevations. Amman and the northern parts experience cooler temperatures, with average highs in the range of 11°C to 15°C (52°F to 59°F). In contrast, Aqaba and the southern areas remain relatively warm, with average highs around 20°C to 22°C (68°F to 72°F). In places like Petra, you might encounter chilly evenings and mornings, so packing some layers is advisable.